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Our Christmas

Friday, December 26, 2008

There weren't many packages under the tree, but that's ok, because the spirit of the season perhaps shined brighter this year!

One of my gifts

One of Norman's gifts

E and his new Jordan t-shirt which he loves

Norman looking unusually lively this year.  Usually he parks himself on the couch and gets all comfy and sleepy, but this year he changed his location.  It worked!  

A few shots of our Christmas morning yesterday.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
Personalized Signature:我喜欢淮安掼蛋,靖江青儿,南通长牌,姜堰23张,常州麻将这些地方言游戏

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