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Hawaiian Duck

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ethan has to do a report on this endangered duck--the Hawaiian Duck--by next Monday.  Yesterday we spent some time doing the research! Here's what the Hawaiian duck looks like; and clearly I did not take the shot of the duck since I've never been to Hawaii!


Anonymous said...

How did he get assigned to do a report on a Hawaiian duck? Is his class studying Hawaii, or endangered species? Lord knows Hawaii has enough of them . . .

Denise Mabilog said...

The class is studying endangered species. He was assigned this duck, and wasn't happy about it. Some kids got "Grizzly Bear" and he thought that would have been much easier.

Anonymous said...

Too bad I'm not still in Hawaii! I could have sent you loads of info on it. They should have given him one of Hawaii's more interesting species of endangered bird. If it helps him at all, the Hawaiian name for the duck is Koloa. I've seen them on Kauai.